• For register click here
    as an authorised family member.
  • Attend the First Introduction Session (Zoom link will be sent via email).
  • Download the Kambaii Wellness App Download App.
  • Log in to the app via Google as a Patient.
    • Choose either your father or mother in the Google login.
    • Select "No" when asked if you are registered at any health center.
  • Update the profile with details of your father/mother and yourself
  • Daily update the following modules for up to 90 days:
    • Medicine list
    • Vitals data
    • Previous prescriptions and lab reports
    • Nutrition list
  • After 15 days, a primary care physician will assess your parents.
  • Monthly, a nutritionist, physical therapist, and psychologist will assess your parents, with medical reviews by US physicians.
  • After 3 months, the top 10 patients will receive awards, and the rest will receive free medical services.