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KH’s Medical Management Story

Kambaii Health embarked on its groundbreaking journey in 2021 by introducing a pioneering initiative – the first of its kind globally. This initiative offers a comprehensive range of 360-degree healthcare services, including care provided by Primary Care Physicians, Specialist Physicians, Nutritionists, Physical Therapists, and Psychologists. This innovative approach includes weekly medical reviews that generate high-quality progress reports, meticulously assessing various aspects such as dietary status, medication management, medical history, and psychological well-being. This initiative emphasizes collaborative teamwork, with healthcare providers worldwide delivering exceptional collaborative care since 2021.

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Dr. Hossain Md. Al Amin

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Dr. Naila Ahmed

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Dr. Sreekanta Debnath

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Dr. Salwa Mariya Majumder

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Dr.Shafayet Chowdhury

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Ummey Mahbuba

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Ismat Zerin

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Nusrat Fatima Taqwa

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Physical Therapist

Sherajum Monira